Influence of geographical provenance, biostimulatory treatments and their interaction on the seed germination of Quercus robur L.
biostimulants, conservation, forestry species, germination, seedsAbstract
The hereby research aimed to identify the influence of several biostimulants on the germination capacity of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), with the goal of enhancing the germination process, which is fundamental for the conservation and development of this ecologically and economically important species. Biological materials were collected from four different geographical provenances in Romania: Prejmer (Brașov), Racășa (Maramureș), Căpâlna (Alba), and Orăștie (Hunedoara). The main phenotypic characteristics of the seeds were analyzed, including length, diameter, and weight. Germination capacity was assessed using different biostimulants, compared with untreated seeds as a control. Results showed significant differences between the investigated provenances regarding morphological traits of seeds, respectively, seed length, diameter, and weight. Additionally, significant differences in germination capacity were noticed among the applied treatments and studied provenances. The treatment with Atonik biostimulant illustrated the best results within all provenances, followed by Nitrozym and Cropmax. The study offers useful information into enhancing the germination capacity of Q. robur, highlighting the significance of provenance and stimulation treatments for effective germination, significant for the conservation and sustainable management of this species.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Iulia Diana ARION, Alina M. TRUȚA, Florin A. REBREAN, Catalina DAN, Monica BOSCAIU, Florin IORAS, Irina M. MORAR

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