Focus and Scope

Nova Geodesia


Nova Geodesia is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal aimed at disseminating significant research, original papers, critical reviews, and short reviews on different topics in geodetic science or related fields. The journal publishes significant papers in geodesy and close topics related to cartography, engineering projects and construction, planetology, hydrography, geography, sociodemographic factors, urban administration, planning and environment, landscape, biodiversity, and ecology. Articles should make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge or toward a better understanding of these concepts. Researchers from Romanian universities founded the journal as a necessity for the advancement of this field, which had few specialized publications not only in Romania and South-Eastern Europe but also in the rest of the globe. An international editorial board advises the journal. The journal uses the CC open license and usage rights and fulfils the DOAJ definition of open access. The distribution of the material is encouraged, and the source can be cited as Nova Geodesia or Nova Geod.


  • Open Access Journal - the journal offers free, immediate, and unrestricted access to peer-reviewed research and scholarly work, due SMTCT supports to increase the visibility, accessibility and reputation of the researchers, regardless of geography and their budgets.


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