

Page Content


  • The necessity of the journal in the specific field
  • The current state of the field in Romania, Central and South Eastern European countries, as well as globally
  • Universities in Romania where bachelor's, and/or master's and doctorate studies are conducted in the field


Updates and new indexing of the journal


October 10, 2024Nova Geodesia indexed in:

CABI letter from the Journal Review Office

Dear Dr Sestras,

CAB International recently reviewed the publication: Nova Geodesia

We are pleased to be able to confirm the title was deemed to be very relevant to the CAB Abstracts and/or Global Health database. Those articles that fall within scope of the database will be selected for inclusion. Coverage will start from Volume 4, No. 1, 2024.

CAB International is a not-for-profit, international treaty organisation, dedicated to the dissemination of scientific knowledge. We produce two abstract databases in the applied life sciences: CAB Abstracts (agriculture, crop science, natural resources, animal and human sciences) and Global Health (dedicated to public health, food science and nutrition). Our organisation has a long established reputation in the applied life sciences, having begun indexing scientific literature in 1913. This extensive archive is currently being made available in electronic form.

We are able to promote the visibility of the indexed journal to global users of the databases worldwide. The CAB Abstracts and Global Health databases are used to identify relevant literature by Government and International agencies, academic institutions and commercial organisations worldwide. Global users of the databases can easily alert themselves to relevant articles in their area of interest, which in turn results in them acquiring the full text from the original source.

CABI improves people's lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.


June 2, 2024Nova Geodesia indexed in:

About the Ulrich's Knowledgebase

Ulrich's™ is the authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information on more than 300,00 periodicals of all types academic and scholarly journals, Open Access publications, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters and more from around the world. It covers all subjects, and includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly and that are circulated free of charge or by paid subscription.


November 17, 2023: Nova Geodesia indexed in:

"Dear Editors and Publisher of Nova Geodesia, I am delighted to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you and your editorial team on the remarkable achievement of having Nova Geodesia accepted for indexation in the prestigious ASCI-Database. The ASCI-Database is widely recognized as a leading platform for scholarly research, and the inclusion of Nova Geodesia underscores its academic significance and contribution to its respective field. The recognition gained from this indexation will undoubtedly amplify the visibility and impact of the research published in your journal." (November 17, 2023, Letter: Manager, Content Selection, ASCI Database)


September 22, 2023: Nova Geodesia indexed in:

  • ERIH PLUS indexation - disciplines:
  • Demography
  • Environmental Studies
  • Human Geography and Urban Studies
  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Social Statistics and Informatics
  • OECD classifications:
  • Media and Communications
  • Other Social Sciences
  • Social and Economic Geography

In Romania, ERIH PLUS is a recognized database by CNATDCU, for the commissions of the related domains (CNATDCU - Consiliul Naţional de Atestare a Titlurilor, Diplomelor si Certificatelor Universitare / National Council for the Attestation of University Titles, Diplomas, and Certificates).


September 14, 2023Nova Geodesia indexed in:

"DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, and is committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone" ( DOAJ is one of the best-rated academic databases.

In Romania, DOAJ appears in the CNATDCU databases at the commissions of the related domains (Consiliul Naţional de Atestare a Titlurilor, Diplomelor si Certificatelor Universitare / National Council for the Attestation of University Titles, Diplomas, and Certificates).

DOAJ indexation - LCC (Library of Congress Classification) subjects

Science: Astronomy: Geodesy


  • Geodesy
  • Cartography
  • Engineering
  • Urban planning
  • Environment
  • Ecology


December, 2022: Nova Geodesia indexed in:

"The Keepers are the archiving agencies which act as long-term stewards of the digital content issued as continuing resources including e-serials". Read more:


November, 2021: Nova Geodesia indexed in:


October, 2021: Nova Geodesia indexed in:


March, 2021: New journal has been launched: Nova Geodesia (find the presentation below)


Launching Nova Geodesia Journal



Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Land Measurements and Cadastre, 72 Observatorului Street, 400363 Cluj-Napoca, Romania;




Geodetic education and research in Romania have a rich history and tradition, but going through numerous and profound restructuring, intensified in the modern era. These were imposed both by the development of science and technology in the field and by economic and social restructuring at the national level. The turmoil and evolutions from the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century slowly led to the consolidation of a representative direction for the Romanian geodesy. This direction in which the geodetic field has evolved in the last two decades has been consolidated both at the level of higher education and profile research, and has largely crystallized around modern higher studies programs in several Romanian universities. One of these new programs accredited by an independent quality assurance agency in higher education and recognized by the Romanian Ministry of Education is ‘Land Measurements and Cadastre’, which was born on previous specializations and their restructuration, based on geodesy. According to the latest Official Monitor of Romania - government decision regarding the approval of the nomenclature fields and specializations / study programs, this program operates in 12 universities in Romania, all being state universities (see at the end of this article these universities).

However, even though the field has developed rapidly and harmoniously in higher education, by respecting the ‘Bologna principles’ and the norms of the European Union, academic research has not seen the same progress. It has not adapted to the new conditions imposed by scientific and technical progress, coupled with social change and the free market since the fall of the ‘Iron Curtain’. There was no adequate correlation between education, research, the transfer of research progress on the market, the need for labour and its specialization in different directions of the field, economic agents that appeared on the free market (some with a rapid development), after a long the period of the socialist economy in which only state institutions, the labour market in the field, etc. functioned.

Ineluctable, things are evolving, and the above issues are being considered by teaching staff and researchers at the universities, research institutes and state and private companies and units with concerns and interests in geodesy. An enthusiastic group of their representatives set out, among other things, to found the new journal  Nova Geodesia  through which to support the research in the domain in Romania (as ‘new geodesy’ – especially through: geodesy and cartography; topography and cadastre; photogrammetry and remote sensing), but also in the south-eastern part of Europe (facing similar problems) and around the world, truly considering research and creative innovation as the ‘engine of progress’ of humanity. It is worth mentioning that the members of the group that initiated the founding of the journal Nova Geodesia come from the most recognized universities in Romania, which also runs the abovementioned study license program ‘Land Measurements and Cadastre’. Once the core of the editorial board (see 'Editorial Team') is formed, it will permanently attract collaborators interested in joining the project, both young researchers enthusiastic to contribute to the proposed desideratum, and scientific personalities recognized in the field. It is proposed a permanent consolidation of the status and achievement of the journal’s objectives (see 'Focus and Scope') by attracting foreign members to the editorial board and to continuously report the research published in the journal to international ones, of significant scientific impact.

The journal aims to form a bridge between researchers and people involved in the field (attracting and collaborating between specialists from different countries), transmitting mutual knowledge and reporting to news and discoveries in the field, supporting science and unrestricted dissemination of new and knowledge. Everything, in compliance with the rules of fairness and ethics in scientific publications, but also the rules and methodologies imposed by internationally recognized bodies in scientific research and academic publication (see 'Policies' and 'Submission' sections and subsections).


The publication covers the entire range of geodesy, including interdisciplinary and newly emerging areas. Journal accept submissions (especially papers as editorials, review articles, research articles, note – see at the end of this article) in a broad scope of geodesy, with prospects to:

  • Expands and merges national (Romanian), regional (Southeast European) and international borders in the science of geodesy.
  • Provides a reliable platform for substantially growing scientific research in geodesy, cartography, topography, cadastre, photogrammetry and remote sensing.
  • Sustain important and novel results that advance particular research in assumed fields or related ones.
  • Generate and promote interest for all readers with a connection to geodesy.


As science evolves to be more collaborative and global, Nova Geodesia aims to meet the needs of the broadest research community, including the next generation of specialists in geodesy and researchers working in related fields. With the journal, we hope to offer new opportunities for students, masters, doctoral students and young researchers for knowledge and professional development.

In addition, our desire is to initiate conversations across traditional boundaries, invite new opportunities for collaboration, and enable future discoveries. The journal is open for submission, with the first issue being published as a "pilot issue".


The journal is a peer-reviewed, quarterly, fully open-access (OA), and is supported by  SMTCT  (Society of Land Measurements and Cadastre from Transylvania), which also ensures that manuscripts are published by authors free of charge.



 Nova Geodesia 



SMTCT encourages the redistribution of the materials included in Nova Geodesia provided that attribution to the source is noted and the materials are not truncated or changed.




Section Policies


In the journal will be published papers grouped in the following main sections: editorials, review articles, research articles, notes.


Editorials published in the journal will be usually presented as ‘Introduction pages’ of the current issue from the editors. Editorials can be authored by possible contributors addressing different opinions, considerations and perspectives on an issue of specific interest; critical review of some presented ideas or proposals for future studies; thorough coverage of a pre-existing topic etc.

Review Articles provide a comprehensive summary of the research and a perspective on a certain topic of the journal. Usually, are written by recognised scientists in a particular discipline after an invitation from the editors of the journal. Except for standard review on the specific subjects, can be published ‘short reviews’ based on a topic considered by the interest of the authors (generally invited by the editors, or accepted subjects proposed by the authors in a pre-submission enquiry letter).

Research Articles is a generic term for a full-length paper that can be named also ‘Original Article’ and are detailed studies reporting original research conducted by the author(s). This is the most common type of journal manuscript used to publish full reports of original finding data from research. It is structured in the order: Title, Abstract, Key-words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.

Notes are shorter versions of ‘Original Articles’, whose methods, discussion of the results and findings are not so detailed as to be presented as full-length papers. They contain original findings, but are generally much more straightforward and are considered similar to short articles, short reports or brief communications. Depending on the manuscripts’ peculiarities, they can be published also as ‘Short Original Articles’.

Letters can include short original findings, case studies or considerations of the authors in the topics of the journal (e.g. as ‘letter to the editor’), which involve either opinion pieces or snippets of contradictory or supporting research. Like other types of articles (‘Review Articles’, ‘Original Articles’, ‘Notes’), these types of letters are subject to peer review.




Universities in Romania, with study program 'Land measurements and cadastre'




For more information about Nova Geodesia, visit the journal website at