Colour selection in Lantana camara L. blooms: A study on butterfly attraction
butterfly species, colour preference, foraging behaviour, L. camara, pollinatorsAbstract
Flower colour is a crucial factor influencing pollinator-plant interactions. Lantana camara L., a popular ornamental plant, attracts various butterfly species. The present study was conducted in Serampore, Hooghly, West Bengal, India, spanning a period of one year from June 2022 to May 2023. This study investigates the preferences of some butterfly species for flowers of a certain colour and the choice of Lantana camara flowers as nectar sources. L. camara is known for its vibrant and diverse colour variations, making it an ideal candidate for attracting various pollinators. Through field observations and controlled experiments, we aimed to identify if certain butterfly species exhibit distinct colour preferences when foraging on Lantana blooms. Our preliminary findings suggest that different butterfly species display varying degrees of colour selectivity, with some showing a preference for warm colour within the L. camara spectrum. These initial insights provide a foundation for further research into the intricate relationship between butterfly species and floral coloration. Understanding the nuanced preferences of butterflies for L. camara flowers can contribute to the development of targeted conservation and gardening practices aimed at supporting specific butterfly populations. This study offers a valuable starting point for future investigations into the broader implications of floral colour preferences in pollinator ecology.
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