Forest sampling techniques in different types of vegetation applying plot sampling, non-plot sampling, and remote sensing
biomass, carbon, innovation, forest inventories, sampling methodsAbstract
Forest inventories are undergoing rapid changes due to an increasingly complex set of economic, environmental, and social policy objectives. Therefore, the objective is to identify, analyse, and discuss the main forest inventory methods at global, regional, and local levels, with an analytical perspective on the goals they seek to achieve in various forest ecosystems. For this review, information from 79 relevant studies related to the objectives and methods used in sampling forest resources in tropical, boreal, temperate, and arid ecosystems was considered. According to the analysed studies, forest inventories in different ecosystems face challenges and apply varied methods to assess forests. In the tropics, the focus is on monitoring biomass and carbon, but they show limitations in data quality and quantity limitations. To improve accuracy, robust sampling methods are suggested. In boreal ecosystems, LiDAR and data-driven models offer detailed biomass estimates. In temperate forests, diversified sampling techniques are employed to balance accuracy and efficiency. In arid ecosystems, non-plot methods are useful for mapping density and diversity of the forests. To board the specific challenges of each region, innovative approaches are needed. Inventories have been influenced by changes in environmental policies and technology; therefore, the need to estimate key forest variables and monitor their dynamics requires robust and technologically advanced sampling methods.
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