Documenting 20th and 21st century glacier change and landscape evolution with maps and land, aerial, and space-based geospatial imagery in Alaska’s Kenai Mountains
data fusion, geospatial imagery, glacier change, Kenai MountainsAbstract
Data fusion and analysis of maps and remote sensing data collected from different spatial perspectives (ground, air, and space) at different times from the early 20th century to the present using different sensors were used to answer questions about glacier behavior and rapidly changing landscapes of Alaska’s southern Kenai Mountains. Expeditions to three fiords of the southern Kenai Mountains were conducted during the summers of 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2021. Each expedition used repeat photography to document glacier behavior and change, and landscape evolution at six Kenai Mountains glaciers, most located within Kenai Fjords National Park. Bear Glacier, Aialik Glacier, Pedersen Glacier, Holgate Glacier, Little Holgate Glacier, and Northwestern Glacier were studied and at a minimum, their terminus positions were determined for the following dates: 1909, 1950, 1961, 1973, 1990, 2004-2006, and 2021. Each glacier displayed unique asynchronous behavior. Since 1909, all displayed long-term terminus retreat. However, the timing for each glacier was unique. In 2021, Holgate Glacier was advancing, while the other five glaciers were retreating.
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