Locational variation in rhizospheric mycobiota associated with Elaeagnus latifolia, an endemic plant species of N.E. India
bastard oleaster, microbial dynamics, microbiology, mycobiota, rhizosphereAbstract
Mycobiota are a group of all fungi present in a particular geographic region or habitat type and the most richest type of mycoflora is found in the rhizosphere. This mycobiota along with the rhizospheric environment plays a significant role in growth and development of plants. As a result, the current study was conducted to evaluate the rhizospheric mycobiota linked to Elaeagnus latifolia L. on a quantitative and qualitative level. In this study, the rhizospheric mycobiota were enumerated and it was found that a total of 46 species of fungi belonging to 19 families and 4 orders were associated with the target plant species. Variations were observed in the density, abundance, natural occurrence and diversity indices of the studied species in correlation to the location, habitat and elevation wise parameters. The study revealed that a large number of beneficial mycobiota are associated with the species which can be further explored and exploited for potential usage as bioagents, biofertilizers and biopesticides for a sustainable forestry and towards a green environment.
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