Comparative analysis of Road Scanning Techniques
comparison, laser scanning, OpenCRG, photogrammetry, point cloud, surface modelAbstract
A three-dimensional road point cloud is not only useful for civil engineers (road rehabilitation, road condition assessment) but can also be useful for vehicle engineers (autonomous vehicle driving scenario, vehicle dynamics simulation). Currently, there are several scanning techniques can be used to obtain these point clouds, such as terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), mobile laser scanning (MLS), airborne laser scanning (ALS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry or UAV laser scanning. This paper discusses the investigation of four road surface scanning techniques by comparing their point clouds and the derived products. The comparison was performed for a section of a road with 1136 m length and 4 m width, the TLS survey provided the reference data. Aspects of point cloud evaluation included geometric accuracy, density, and the parameters of plane-fitting. CRG models were created from all studied point clouds to compare the difference between the final products to be used by the automotive industry. The results show that the MLS and the UAV photogrammetry generated the most accurate point cloud, while UAV laser scanning accuracy was the lowest. Similarly, the CRG models comparison showed that there was no significant difference between MLS and TLS models, and the UAV photogrammetry gave a smoother variation relative to the reference surface. Whereas the largest differences were noted for the CRG model derived from the UAV laser scanning models.
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